In January of 1994, the first episode of The George Carlin Show premiered on the Fox network. Co-created by the titular star and Sam Simon (who got sole credit), a long time writer of The Simpsons and Cheers, it was set in a New York tavern based on one frequented by Carlin’s father, and where Carlin himself saw Lee Harvey Osward being shot on TV.
It followed Married … With Children, and shared its 9.30pm Sunday night slot through the year with Daddy Dearest.
Here’s how Variety reviewed that first episode.
This is the comic without much of the acid that frequently flows in his standup routines. It’s a half hour that’s easy to take, and Carlin fans won’t be disappointed.
Variety, 9th January 1994
It performed well enough, and returned for a second season, in the same slot, this time sharing it with Dream On, Wild Oats, and My Wildest Dream. Here’s how Entertainment Tonight marked the show’s return.
While Carlin enjoyed working with his co-stars, he found his relationship with Simon much more draining.