Category: Sketch Shows
Nineteen 90s Shows
I wrote another book about television. I like television. I like television so much that the first thing I modelled and printed on my new 3d printer was this … I made some more after that too. There’s a few more, including TVS, ATV, and HTV, but I bought you here to talk about my…
You Ain’t Clipped These, Right?
I mean, it’s impossible to write about The Fast Show without quoting it. So let’s get them out of the way. Brilliant. I like this, when comedy worlds collide and remind me that sometimes shows that seem from different eras actually shared a schedule. Which is nice. This one is more interesting from a TV…
Bite The Wax
If you imagine the phrase ‘Bite The Wax’ as spoken by Armando Iannucci, then your day will be all the better for it. But before we get to that, let’s talk about No’ The Archie Macpherson Show. It’s Wednesday 6th July 1988, and BBC Radio Scotland is about to debut a new youth oriented show…
the dum show
Yesterday, I came across a short listing in The Stage from 13th August 1992. Here it is: That’s quite the line-up, even as early as 1992. They performed the dum show at The Pleasance. It looks like they did at least one preview at the beginning of the month too (I’m sure they did more).…
The Actor Kevin Eldon
I’ve been a fan of The Actor Kevin Eldon for a a long time. I can’t remember where I first saw him, but it was either on Fist of Fun, or more likely on Packing Them In. His presence in a show usually meant the show was good. He worked on the pilot of Smack…